The side dishes may vary from house to house, from sweet potato pie, to corn pudding, green bean casserole and stuffing, but in most homes across New England, one guest is invited to the table every year – the turkey!
While added to the menu many years after the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, it is now the star of the show. Some families brine the turkey, some stuff, some fry and most of us roast it to a perfect golden perfection. So unless you intentionally want smoked turkey (which is also delicious), follow these safety tips to ensure a safe holiday and a delicious dinner your guests will remember all year!
Turkey Fryer
If you are using a turkey fryer (and who doesn’t love that crisp, flavorful skin and tender moist meat), follow these steps.
1) Be certain to place your fryer on a flat, solid surface that is away from flammable items. NEVER use inside or on your deck.
2) Be certain not to overfill the pot and carefully (and slowly) place your turkey in the oil. Keep in mind the size of the bird when filling your fryer as the weight and volume of the turkey cause the oil to rise.
3) Be certain that the oil is not too hot! Experts recommend 350 degrees. Using a thermometer is a good idea and if you notice the oil smoking, turn it off.
4) Have a fire extinguisher by your deep fryer in case of emergency.

Roasting your Turkey in the Oven
Stand by your pan! The main cause of fires attributed to Thanksgiving fires is unattended cooking.
If a fire does start in your oven, do NOT open the door. Doing so will only add oxygen to the fire. Instead, leave the door closed and call the fire department.
If grease catches fire in your cooking pan, quickly put on an oven mitt and place a solid (not glass) lid over the pan by sliding the lid over the flames (not straight down) to smother the fire. Turn off the burner and leave the pan exactly where it is to cool. NEVER try to carry the pot outside.
Have a Fire Extinguisher Handy
Every kitchen should be equipped with a fire extinguisher. While not all extinguishers have an expiry date, fire officials recommend replacing your extinguisher every 3 years.
Not sure how to properly use a fire extinguisher?
1) Remove the pin from the fire extinguisher
2) Point the extinguisher toward the BASE of the fire NOT the top of the flames.
3) Holding it by the handle, press down on the lever until you want it to stop.
4) Spray horizontally back and forth across the fire until it’s extinguished, remembering to aim low.
The entire Thompson Team – Keller Williams Realty wishes you a safe and joyous Thanksgiving.